01 46 56 57 06
Images Reportages Vidéos

Aiguille à larder Photos – Utilisez des photos culinaires sous licence ❘ StockFood

Larding or barding meat
00100302 - Larding or barding meat
Meat being larded
12501856 - Meat being larded
Roast beef larded with bacon
13484496 - Roast beef larded with bacon
Larding saddle of venison
00181979 - Larding saddle of venison
Larding a joint of beef with strips of pork fat
00373417 - Larding a joint of beef with strips of pork fat
Larding saddle of venison
00254568 - Larding saddle of venison
Larding a rabbit leg with bacon
00168051 - Larding a rabbit leg with bacon
Kitchen utensils for cooking, braising and oven-roasting
10273960 - Kitchen utensils for cooking, braising and oven-roasting

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01 46 56 57 06